service level agreement

Energyhill is not your typical 9-5, we handle the after hours so you don’t have to. We aim for perfection and settle for excellence when it comes to our partner’s service level agreements (SLAs).

Service Level Agreement and Availability

Our hours of operation are from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. However, in the case of an after-hours emergency we offer our resource help center. is our support team’s ticketing system. This allows you to be in constant contact with our team of specialists. When a support ticket is submitted it is sent to the correct team member. Our standard SLA is as follows:






Respond within

2 hours

8 hours

12 hours

48 hours

Resolve within

8 hours

24 hours

48 hours

96 hours

Quality Assurance

Our thorough process allows for you to rest at ease in even the most stressful situations. In some cases, if the question is web related, for example, the ticket will be run through QA (Quality Assurance). Our full QA process is a thorough undertaking. QA is typically done for an entire section of a website, and in multiple viewports (mobile, tablet, desktop, and more…).

Exceptional Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Below is our SLA policy that sets the standard for high performance for our team and partner relationships. From 2015-2016 we received a 97% approval level of support. From 2016-2017 this number increased to 98%, and in 2017-2018, we have received a 99% approval rating. We don’t do this work for the ratings… we do this for our partners and clients cause we love it. As an agency, our culture is to help you and your team not have to worry about the minutia. Whether it is setting up a new style for your links, or fixing an annoying code issue that is now altering bounce rate, or updating a call tracking number in your brand video — we enjoy helping!

Service Level Agreement Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between a client and partner?

A: Clients are customers not in retainer agreement with Energyhill. Partners are customers that are in a retainer relationship with Energyhill. All customers receive the same level of support. We call it white glove service within SLA.

Q: We are not a current client or partner with Energyhill. Can we take advantage of your support team?

A: No. Currently we only offer support to clients and partners.

Q: Are tickets prioritized by partners before clients?

A: No. Tickets are prioritized by when they are received.

Q: We are a client that does not have an agreed to SLA, what service level agreement is in place for us? Can our SLA be customized?

A: Our standard SLA is in place for all customers listed above. Only partners can specify a custom SLA.

Q: What is the typical first response time from the help team?

A: This is determined by distinct priorities of our SLA, for the year 2017. Here are the results from Energyhill’s SLA for 2017:

  • Low ticket priority tickets is 48 hours, our average response time is 6 hours.
  • Medium ticket priority tickets is 12 hours, our average response time is 9 hours. 
  • High ticket priority tickets is 8 hours, our response time is 23 minutes (and 17 seconds).
  • Urgent ticket priority tickets is 2 hours, our response time is 23 minutes (and 29 seconds).

Q: What is the resolution time of the support received?

A: Resolution time is also determined by distinct priorities of our SLA. Here are the results from Energyhill’s SLA for 2017:

  • Low ticket priority tickets is 96 hours, our average resolution time is 79 hours.
  • Medium ticket priority tickets is 48 hours, our average resolution time is 44 hours.
  • High ticket priority tickets is 24 hours, our average response time is 21 hours.
  • Urgent ticket priority tickets is 8 hours, our response time is 6 hours (and 28 minutes).

Q: Is support included with other packages offered?

A: We value our team and your requests. Making your requests a top priority costs. These support SLA are not included in marketing, and hosting retainers. They are separate as they are billed based on hours used.

Q: What is the fee or charges for using the support team?

A: The team bills at quarter hour (15 minute) increments.

Q: What is the rate for this service?

A: In 2017 we changed this to our agency blended rate.

Q: What is the cost (in dollars) for this?

A: Due to non disclosure agreements with our partners and clients we do not publicly release this information.

Q: Can a discount be issued for hours? Do you offer retainers for support?

A: Yes, our support retainer hours are discounted by 25% with a minimum of 4 hours per month.

Q: What differentiates your service compared to other IT, tech, design, marketing companies?

A: Energyhill aligns with your brand. Our team members are all technologists and use these tools daily. So you get the benefit of working with team members that know your brand and are masters in their craft.