Every field and industry has its own event where works and/or products are showcased. Well, that is what 36 Days of Type is in the world of type. It is an international typography project that encourages illustrators, animators, and artists to give their interpretation of the letters of our alphabet. View it as an open invitation to endless creativity, for 36 days. A friendly creative challenge at its core, this international typography project sheds a light on the art of type and lettering design.
energyhill's first time participating in this typography project was in 2017. Read the article about this first time experience. But basically, the creative team loved it so much that they participated in 2018 and again this year.
“This project allows us to get really creative and provides a nice break from the norm of daily work. It’s a free time to do whatever we want with the design, not abide by any strict rules.”
Gloria Lowe, energyhill Creative Lead
In a nutshell, 36 Days of Type started as a personal side project for designers based in Barcelona, Nina Sans and Rafa Goicoechea. And just like any modern competition, the 36 Days of Type got popular very quickly. Consequently, it resulted in even more exposure, which then resulted in partnership with Adobe.
The 36 Days of Type project keeps expanding and gaining more recognition, which also makes room for more structure. Now, designer participants can submit their work beforehand and with the help of prominent designers, submissions are judged and featured on social media.
Hashtags are now an important part of social media. Actually, there is a "science" to it. So, when implemented well, the user can see results and 36 Days of Type is no exception. A space to push the boundaries of creativity and personal expression, contestants create and share their letters using the typography project's hashtags: #36daysoftype, #36days_(letter or number of the day).
Also, one of the benefits of participating in this project is that it puts unknown designers on the map. Kind of like how some artists get discovered thanks to their YouTube videos. Eventually, these hashtags result in exposure.
This year for 36 Days of Type 06, energyhill chose the theme of "Around the World in 36 Days." So, our team of designers assigned a country or city to each letter. That approach was the inspiration behind every design along with facts about each country!
“We were really excited to take on this project with the ‘around the world’ theme. We have such a diverse team and we loved being able to showcase everyone’s home countries and favorite places. It was challenging, educational, and rewarding.”
Nataly Capote-Torres, energyhill Graphic Designer
The energyhill team is diverse and multilingual, so "Around the World in 36 Days" was the perfect theme.
At energyhill, we are passionate about marketing and creating concepts that reflect the heart of brands. We are team of diverse members working together towards one goal, to help businesses grow through creative marketing. Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Contact us today and learn about our approach.
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