If you operate an online business, then you probably know how important it is to have good SEO. But what distinguishes good search engine optimization from bad? And, how do you know that your company is doing everything it should to earn you a top spot in the organic search results?
The fact is that Google is constantly updating its search algorithm, and marketers that neglect to keep up with the latest changes can easily see their good SEO efforts turn bad. Here are some ways in which SEO plays a vital role in your company’s success or failure:
Good SEO is an essential element of a site’s user experience. Along with impacting a site’s position in the search results, SEO can affect whether or not a site is easy to navigate, readable, and mobile friendly. The latter quality is especially important in light of the fact that approximately 60 percent of searches now occur on mobile devices. By utilizing an effective and modern SEO strategy, you show customers that you care about their experience and that you are always learning to make it better.
If you're not thinking about SEO, your business is going to fall behind. 80 percent of users rely on the internet for researching products they're interested in. If your company isn't prioritizing search results, a competitor is going to be taking advantage of those same results, and your market share is going to dip. Want to outsell your competitors? It's absolutely critical to keep a strong SEO strategy that brings you to the top of as many search pages as possible.
Using the most cutting-edge SEO techniques can help position your business as an industry leader. After all, searchers tend to view the first few results on a page as the most authoritative, and the majority of searchers don't get past the first page.
When you target the right keywords in your web content, you ensure that your business is seen by the ideal customers and clients and that they begin to view you as a trusted name in your field. Bad SEO? Well, ineffective practices won't get you anywhere near the top.
As more people are connected via their smartphone, search is now optimized for phones as well. Over 50 percent of all Google search queries are from mobile devices. Thus, Google has prioritized mobile page load speed as a crucial metric when determining your search ranking in recent years. With free tools from Google, you can work on optimizing your website for mobile searches.
This ensures your mobile website is running smooth and keeps it efficient. This is not only important from a search perspective, but it's critical to keeping users on your webpage and capturing leads. With SEO, you can stay on top of a necessary piece of an efficient website.
Search engine optimization's greatest value might just be its affordability. Unlike pay-per-click advertising, SEO lets you grow sales without stretching your budget too far. In fact, businesses often find that SEO offers better ROI than other types of online marketing. Search engines offer a close rate of almost 15 percent for new leads — a massive edge over traditional marketing. Beyond just close rate, SEO is a great source to generate leads just by having a visible web presence.
Now, this is true for good search engine practices. Bad practices, while perhaps cheap, may only land your site in a troubling spot by getting your site flagged or banned from top search engines.
As SEO experts and a Google Adwords partner, Energyhill is a complete solution for search, mobile, video advertising, and more. To learn more about what we can do for your business, call today for a free quote or contact our team and we'll be in touch.
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