5-Step Guide to Powerful Process Design

5 Step Guide to Powerful Process Design

Your company’s processes have an enormous impact on your business. In this webinar we will walk you through 5 steps to powerful process design. With the right process design, you can streamline your operations, increase your productivity, and give a healthy boost to your bottom line.

Topics covered:

  • Compelling Forecasting
  • Winning Deadlines
  • Resource Planning: Rockstars vs. Roadies
  • Oh no… Scope Creep!
  • Project Management Nirvana

Who this is for:

  • Directors of Marketing
  • VP for Institutional Advancement
  • Public Relations and Marketing Directors
  • Organizational Efficiency Leaders
  • C-Level leaders
  • Project Manager or Director of Project Management*

*We know that you’re already down in the trenches every day on this topic. We invite you to attend and share your wins and challenges. If you can, encourage your executives or leaders to view the session as well. We’d love to help you create more buy-in for powerful process design and add your voice to the conversation.

About Energyhill Executive Consulting

We are designers committed to our craft. We’ve spent our professional lives becoming experts in Marketing and Advertising. What we’ve learned is that a lot of the methods we use can offer extraordinary benefits for our clients. Our Executive Coaching series is based on those tools and methods that have been most effective in helping our clients. Each month we will feature a webinar focused on helping your organization and improving your prosperity. For a more in-depth approach, EnergyHill can help you with your overall Marketing Strategy – from content marketing to specific campaigns. Contact us for a consultation.

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