Pay for the people you want with TrueView
YouTube Size and Scope.
- #1 online video site.
- #2 largest search engine (behind Google).
- #3 largest site.
- 4 billion+ video streams per day.
- 60 hours of video uploaded every minute.
- 70% of YouTube’s traffic comes from outside the US.
- 72%* of US online population watch a YouTube video at least once per week.
- 52%** of people took action as result of watching a video online.
What is AdWords for Video with TrueView?
- TrueView allows the viewer to click on the ads they want to see or skip ads that they don't want to see on YouTube.
- This gives the viewer a choice, and the advertiser control - so you can show your ad online, but you only pay for the ads watched.
Why use AdWords for Video with TrueView?
- You can reach people on YouTube and the Google Display Network.
- YouTube is the largest video site on the web.
- Online visual and audio ads are more engaging than print or radio.
- It’s pay-per-view advertising with various options for placements.
- You can use analytics to track campaign performance.
How it works.
- Ad selection is linked to your company’s YouTube account.
- You bid for video views just like you bid for keywords on AdWords.
With TrueView you get 4 options for ad placement
Effectiveness of placements
If you are interested in implementing True View in your next campaign. Click here and contact our team for more information.